About Us
A diverse group of immigrant justice leaders participated in the Immigrant Movement Visioning Process to build and strengthen relationships and trust, have courageous conversations, learn together, and emerge with a long-term vision statement articulating what we long for in our shared future and the values we believe are necessary to achieve our ‘North Star.’
Our Vision: Five Freedoms
All people have inherent dignity and value. Everyone should be able to live in safe and healthyconditions, protected equally under the law. Every human being deserves to embrace theircomplex histories and backgrounds, to dream, love, imagine, and achieve peace and liberation.We believe that migration policies must be grounded in racial, economic, and gender equityand justice.

Core Values
Throughout the Immigrant Movement Visioning Process, we recognized that dreaming our long-term vision is only the beginning of the journey. Equally important is a transformation of our movement for immigrant justice. We developed a core set of values that we are committing to in order to embody the changes we want to see in society. Living these values is not passive; it requires intention, practice, reflection, and courage.



Trust & Respect


Leaderful Movement That Centers Directly Impacted People

Courage, Creativity, and Discipline

Global Awareness and Engagement
Frequently Asked Questions
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